Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Implantation Bleeding Light Brown

Dubrovnik Hvar Jelsa on the island of lavender. The market of 5 to 6 July

After the visit to Kastel Stari, we head towards the port of Split where we board the ferry that will take us just over an hour to Stari Grad, the island port of Hvar.

Our first goal is to Jelsa, where we had booked a room at 'Hostel Havre. I was a little worried about the arrangement because the price was really great, something like twenty-five € per night for bed. But I was comforted to have found accommodation through Expedia, which already seemed like a guarantee. In addition, the site of the Hostel Hvar was really nice, as this may actually be ingannevole.In a private house but well organized and clean and comfortable rooms. The shower is the one that works best since we left our house. And then it just behind the church, a stone's throw from the harbor and we can leave the bike in an enclosed courtyard and turn the town on foot in search of local real drawback to the Hostel gozzovigliare.Il Havre is not that they serve breakfast: Shops within walking distance there are local and which are excellent. The real problem is that Hvar is an island of farmers, growers and breeders, and when you stay under the bell tower, it turns out that farmers are being called to the diligent hard work in the fields of the parish priest at six-thirty every morning, makes play to stretch the church bells .

Even in the narrow streets of Jelsa meet the resale of local products, on a scale familiare.Aglio, potatoes, onions, pickles.

Hvar is also covered by expanses of lavender. Penetrating aroma, intense and persistent.

And we hit the sights of valleys marked by great walls of dry stones. Now we understand that Hvar is an island full of stones and the stones were stacked not to delimit the parcels, but to free the land from the stones themselves and get short farmland and pastures.

Our journey seems to continue under the sign of the galleries. After the railroad abandoned the , meets another on the way to Zavala, on the southern coast of the island. It 'an isolated area, which is necessary to obtain the required cross a tunnel . A one-way alternating . Theoretically forbidden to motorcycles and bicycles. is dark, indeed, it is pretty darn dark. Strict, cold and the bottom is imprevedibile.L 'only way to travel, especially if you forgot to replace the sunglasses with those from normal view, Where's My Car is not to make the head of the column and put in waiting for the light to become green, as they do us bikers, but to tag along to a car ... and hope.


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