Thursday, April 29, 2010

Why Is My Scrotum Peeling?

Facebook and CAA

are Simon, Sofia's mother, also President of 'Territorial Association' s Integration FLIGHT ONLUS Mass Fiscaglia (FE).
Our Association always takes care of CAA, we are the promoters of the project "A book for all", which collects in the Biblioteca Comunale di Massa Fiscaglia B. Pasini (The Acchiappanuvole) 40 books edited, location that is accessible to the reading of texts with software specific (the section in addition to the modified also collects books psychology texts, documents ISAAC ITALY, theses, fiction, etc.).
I see that some of you came to the attention of the CAA group on Facebook, of which I am the Administrator: to be honest, I started thinking of forming this group, to understand how many people in Italy, is interested in this argument, although I do not think this is the only channel to reach everyone. Subsequently, I asked my friends to support me in this mission, including Luca Errani, who is very active: since I've expanded the debate with the technicians, the group works fine, and we often make compliments. The idea of \u200b\u200ba blog, could be positive, it is clear that as has happened for the group on Facebook, you have to spend time, because it remains active. Have any of you, also espressso our desire to meet personally: a good match play, I do always enjoy. Best wishes to all.



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