Friday, April 23, 2010

Safety In Science Lab Crossword

Berlusconi and Fini, transaction transparency? Without

Today many of the commentators, especially from the center-right, pointed out that the had sent the most important stages of the meeting of the Executive Board of the PDL has been a transparent process for showing live stages of a crucial debate on the future structure of that party.
Personally I think instead we have witnessed a masterpiece of genius in the communication media by Berlusconi and his staff. Fini, for his part, has naively fallen into the trap that was aimed also giving a hand to his avversari.Non there you would expect from a politician as he sailed.
The President of the Chamber took the stage visibly contract, intimidated, spoke with an uncertain voice, even his tie was wrong: if he wanted to move a political criticism from within the party, he had better be in the uniform pidiellino and do not unmark a pink tie ...
Berlusconi made good his part: has been able to keep irritation and measure the reactions, rose to reply to Fini sullen but not malice and merely remember him, Fini, the rules of the game: if you want to do politics, your place is among but we do not claim to the referee. Meanwhile, Fini was still screwed up himself, chewing gum and meets Berlusconi phrases that come to the spectators just as sections, to get up and approach the podium to launch Berlusconi unheard words inaudible, and at that moment, with the cameras that frame Fini away from the small, standing with an outstretched arm, triumphantly surmounted by the figure of a thundering Berlusconi, the performance of the President of the Chamber of complicity touches the maximum with his executioners.
Thus, the transaction transparency, was rather a shame that the media against Fini has done nothing to prevent it. After all it was a small masterpiece by Silvio Berlusconi: You can think what you want as a man, as a politician, but as an entrepreneur, a communicator, chapeau!


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