Friday, March 18, 2011

How To Write Car Accident Agreement Letter

A few words about nuclear

I am in favor.

Here are my two words and I could stop there. Because I broke my fucking read articles / comments / post of people who do not understand a fucking beloved uranium, atoms, nuclear fission and nuclear reactors. People who spit at random sentences that, as a real jackal, exploits the tragedy for political purposes vulgar Japanese (a reference to the Republic and the daily is purely coincidental). In Japan, the latest estimates point to about fifteen thousand died of the two terromoto + tsunami and yet, for days now, you hear talk of nothing but the nuclear reactor in Fukushima. Do you think that right?

and stop supporting the fairy tale that sees renewable resources as the only true energy of the future. It 's a crap! With a world population growing steadily, wind power and solar panels can be useful just to clean our ass. Let me be clear, can return useful on a small scale, but it is absolutely impossible basarne the energy needs of a nation.

But now we must dwell on another aspect un'attimino: nuclear power plants in Italy.

Think about it.




Central. Nuclear. In Italy. That in a country where in 2011 we still have a railway system from the third world. I recently read a post by methylparaben that I can share. A post that perfectly expresses all my concerns regarding nuclear power in Italy.


summarize: yes to nuclear, no to nuclear power in Italy. Or rather, no to nuclear power in this third-world Italy.

PS Energy is one of the future: nuclear fusion.


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