Friday, March 18, 2011

How To Write Car Accident Agreement Letter

A few words about nuclear

I am in favor.

Here are my two words and I could stop there. Because I broke my fucking read articles / comments / post of people who do not understand a fucking beloved uranium, atoms, nuclear fission and nuclear reactors. People who spit at random sentences that, as a real jackal, exploits the tragedy for political purposes vulgar Japanese (a reference to the Republic and the daily is purely coincidental). In Japan, the latest estimates point to about fifteen thousand died of the two terromoto + tsunami and yet, for days now, you hear talk of nothing but the nuclear reactor in Fukushima. Do you think that right?

and stop supporting the fairy tale that sees renewable resources as the only true energy of the future. It 's a crap! With a world population growing steadily, wind power and solar panels can be useful just to clean our ass. Let me be clear, can return useful on a small scale, but it is absolutely impossible basarne the energy needs of a nation.

But now we must dwell on another aspect un'attimino: nuclear power plants in Italy.

Think about it.




Central. Nuclear. In Italy. That in a country where in 2011 we still have a railway system from the third world. I recently read a post by methylparaben that I can share. A post that perfectly expresses all my concerns regarding nuclear power in Italy.


summarize: yes to nuclear, no to nuclear power in Italy. Or rather, no to nuclear power in this third-world Italy.

PS Energy is one of the future: nuclear fusion.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Raylene Richards Orgy Lesbian

ISAAC - 4th Italian Conference on AAC - Naples, 12-14 May 2011

From May 12 to 14 will be held in Naples the 4th Italian Conference ISAAC AAC. For those not familiar ISAAC ITALY collects rehabilitation professionals, education and schools that deal with people with disabilities, families of people with disabilities and special communication needs and those adults who have specific and complex communication needs and use AAC to communicate.
The purpose of the 4th National Conference is to promote the knowledge and Italy in this field of research in rehabilitation, which can help improve the quality of life and social participation of persons who have difficulty communicating. To know the program click here
. For more information please visit the site ISAAC or write to

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Afghan Wedding Invitation Card Titles

Looking at the site PeaceReporter - Argentina, prison horror

PeaceReporter - Argentina, prison horror

PeaceReporter - Spain convicted of torture

They are 6.30 in the morning, I stopped looking forward to watching all the videos of PeaceReporter and I'm sick and I still do not understand, I do not get to really understand why so much brutality. I miss the words and the desire I have seen too many men who torture defenseless men, soldiers who beat children with a rifle butt, others who tortured a man in the testicles. Throughout the world there are thousands of animals who enjoy exercising power through terror and violence. There is a strip of land is immune from this mess.
But what family they are grown men?

Now please explain how in the world to accept that these things still exist, because the man has to humiliate and torture another man, people tell me what it is that makes you enjoy the act of violence?
Everywhere I turn there is always a man who tortures another man, I wonder who will educate those who say you are doing well.
I feel a huge pain and I just write and have the head gardener for many things but I would say that this video was stopped in the hands

Women ural peace without women there is no peace

Woman screaming peace NO WOMEN NO PEACE

Are 6:30 in the morning, I stopped looking forward to watching all the videos of PeaceReporter and I'm sick and I still do not understand, really I do not get to understand why so much brutality. I miss the words and the desire I have seen too many men who torture defenseless men, soldiers who beat children with a rifle butt, others who tortured a man in the testicles. Throughout the world there are thousands of animals who enjoy exercising power through terror and violence. There is a strip of land is immune from this mess.
But the family you grew up in these men?

Now please explain how in the world to accept that these things still exist, because the man has to humiliate and torture another man, people tell me what it is that makes you enjoy the act of violence?
Everywhere I turn there is always a man who tortures another man, I wonder who will educate Those who say you are doing well.
I feel an immense pain and I just write haves and the head gardener for many things But I Would Say That Was this video stopped in the hands

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How To Make Aballet Shoes Cake

I want to leave Italy, I ask for Political asylum economic and social - I ask for political asylum Economic and Social

I'm Italian but I do not feel represented in this country.


1) the one who pulls the strings Unfortunately, social and economic policies is a peasant-class, sexually disturbed pedophile mafia, thief, which showed ignorance on the streets and now wants to drag even in schools, convincing young girls that fuck is beautiful! A peasant who call to Gaddafi to know how he is while people are killed and he, the peasant, it looks good dall'ipedirgli this massacre.

A peasant who, instead of attending to a prize of a famous director, is delighted to make rude gesture and gloat like a walrus because the "communists" have lost again ...... Mr. Cafone but knows that the Communists in Italy do not exist right? Of course he knows as well as their drink do not do anything to throw off my land!

2) as it is to become a candidate in the party of the peasant's largest Italian manager of the little show, devoted to practice and master must take him as the devil. A pig that has been enriched with young women and men, to make some career have sold / s front and back, offering him cocaine galore. A pig worthy of being part of the Italian Parliament? With so rude to drive!

3) since the peasant is doing work to deter young males, who by his lascivious behavior of women learn that the value is zero, that woman is just an object-to-use and recycle, maybe Regar to a friend. There is more dignity in the woman and all the efforts made so far are smoking.

4) given that the ministers do nothing to protect women and the weak, the ministers agreed that six to 50 years old to work but too young for retirement. The ministers who offer shares rose as if women were truly an appendix almost boring man of Ministers which allow a pedophile mafia full powers to govern my condition.

5) given that ministers accepted that a woman's salary is below that of a man and that the arrival of refugees bring to the immediate expulsion of poor people who also tried to seek asylum but .... .... in Italy in 2010 was granted political asylum to only 9 people already ....... why those arriving from North Africa certainly is a terrorist and Bossi has his troubles with Theron that have invaded the His Padania

6) given that the state accepts a predator has the obvious penalty because he grew up in an unhealthy environment or because it was good and if you kill too, come on what you want it to be, stuprala, Kill massacrala cut it, then we think the judiciary is to make you feel in 5 years in jail, because if you kill a woman they are 6 more.

7) as the ministers, thanks to a law Bossi_Fini, an immigrant who is not renewed the contract of employment, is returned to his country as if the taxes paid during the years in which he worked were not anything, but them there eat with their taxes ....

For these reasons and others, asking for political asylum in any country!

'm Italian But I do not feel represented in this country.

1) the one who pulls the strings Unfortunately, social and economic policies is a peasant-class, sexually disturbed pedophile mafia, thief, which showed ignorance on the streets and now wants to drag in the schools, convincing young girls fuck is beautiful! A peasant who call to Gaddafi to know how he is while people are killed and he, the peasant, if it looks good dall'ipedirgli this massacre

A peasant who, instead of attending to a prize of a well-known director, is delighted to make rude gesture and gloat like a walrus because the "communists" have lost again ...... Mr. Cafone but knows that the Communists in Italy do not exist right? Of course he knows as well as their drink do not do anything to throw off my land!

2) as the party's candidate for the peasant's largest Italian manager of the little show, devoted to practice and master must take him as the devil. A pig that has been enriched with young women and men, to make some career have sold / s front and back, offering him cocaine galore. A pork worthy of being part of the Italian Parliament? With so rude to drive!

3) since the peasant is doing work to deter young males, who by his lascivious behavior of women learn that the value is zero, that woman is just an object-to-use and recycle, maybe Regar to a friend. There is more dignity in the woman and all the efforts made so far are smoking.

4) given that the ministers do nothing to protect women and the weak, the ministers agreed that six to 50 years old to work but too young for retirement. The ministers who offer shares rose as if women were truly an appendix almost boring man of Ministers which allow a pedophile mafia full powers to rule on my condition.

5) given that ministers accepted that a woman's salary is below that of a man and that the arrival of refugees bring to the immediate expulsion of poor people who also tried to seek asylum .... but ... . in Italy in 2010 was granted political asylum to only 9 people already ....... why those arriving from North Africa certainly is a terrorist and Bossi has his troubles with Theron that invaded his Padania

6) given that the state accepts a predator has the discounted penalty because he grew up in an unhealthy environment or because it was good and if you kill too, come on what you want it to be, stuprala, kill massacrala cut it, then we think the judiciary to you will be in 5 years in jail, because if you kill a woman they are 6 more.

7) as the ministers, thanks to a law Bossi_Fini, an immigrant who is not renewed the contract of employment, is returned to his country as if the taxes paid during the years in which he worked were not anything, but we eat them with taxes ....

For these reasons and others, asking for political asylum in any country!

Monday, March 7, 2011

What Can You Use As Waxing Paper

From Dubrovnik to Sarajevo, July 8, 2010 The arrest of Jovan Divjak

D ecides to leave Dubrovnik with a day ahead of schedule. We pay for the entire two nights: the past and one to which we give up. Almost
escape from the tourist crowds so shamelessly: Dubrovnik is gorgeous but it's a myth and is forced to pay the price. We fail to grasp the authentic soul. We try to guess it tr
cafes, restaurants, trendy shops, but the confusion and the limelight are the filter and blur the vision.
Before leaving the city will grant a visit to the market

and a stroll through the narrow streets less crowded under the ramparts.

(of those merits a visit there, in Dubrovnik, the venue of War Photo Limited . Located in Antuninska ulica, is a documentation center on all the wars. Directed by a reporter, Wade Goddard, aims "to show the war is, raw, vulgar, frightening , and how it spread injustice on the innocent as well as the belligerents."
C 'is a permanent exhibition on the war in the Balkans and temporary exhibitions on wars around the world.)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Which Brand Concealer Best

Sarajevo angered by the arrest of Jovan Divjak

Mobilization for the arrest of Divjak

Divjak, a Serb who loved Sarajevo

For Divjak Bosnian Serbs is a hero, but they do stop

When the story touches the feelings

Pokemon How To Masterbate For Men

How to create a medium for the composition of sentences with the CAA or the creation of logical sequences thunderstorms

Under "publications, manuals and documents on the CAA" this side we published a small manual describes the characteristics of we use to support the composition of sentences with the CAA or the creation of logical sequences thunderstorms and the methodology used to achieve it. E 'consists of a ring binder that contains several pages of A4 paper and plastic with Velcro straps to quickly and conveniently attach and detach the symbols.

not much, but from the experiences of others who left for new projects and that's why we thought it was right to share ours.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Watch Tiana Lynn Online

Nothing ...

... throw me a little because I'm at the airport at Schipol, beautiful as usual (and stress) and I'm just pretending to write important things, with a serious face like a real business man.

PS are funny but what the Indians (from India, not America) when they talk about one of their idioms 1908359028502?

PPS then American Indians are now extinct. Well, almost. A little 'as the panda. PPPS

are 6:25, I got up at 4:15 ... a little 'understanding please ...

Ben Ten Alien Force 43

shortly on this blog ... Satisfaction

Continue hiding from my blog due mostly (all attached?) To work-related reasons (ergo the first of the 19 I just can not leave the office and evenings are just too tired to beat my name on the keyboard ), the good news is that I have in mind at least twenty of the next post.

Because you see, the life of the bloggers is this: you see a thing inside of you think that you just tell it in your blog! In the middle of your lunch think about the most absurd conspiracy-radical-chic-post-communist anti-government Argentine and circles in a hurry to finish your sandwich to go in front of the computer to write. But then the reality is very different, and so you simply think, "Sooner or later I'll write something about this / that" even if in your heart you know you never will.

So, we come to the point: knowing solemnly promise not to be able to keep this promise in a more or less near future (less than that) I will speak in Codest blog:

- The life of a blogger (just done and andiamoooo!)
- Italian on Facebook (no, I did not dimenticaot è_é)
- My political identity crisis
- Something random about Inter, HIMYM and Government Italian.
- Any book to recommend.
- blasphemous rant. Amen