Monday, February 14, 2011

How To Use Ladies Napkin Pic

The dignity of women do not touch! - The Dignity of Women Do not touch! -

13 febbraio 2011

one million women were found in 250 cities of Italy!
One Milion women were found in 250 cities of Italy!

Although the news department of the state have sought to conceal what happened Sunday, Rai News estimated the presence in the Italian squares of about one million women and men, then the accounts are made and nothing can hide this important BDAT.

The rider of his white board called biased and offensive to his guests for this event and detrimental to his person, I do laugh, and yes I sbellico say that he is affecting my person and that of millions of Italian women. The also say that the major foreign newspapers have said about us and wondered, why Italian women have waited so long to protest against a sex maniac. Dear friends overseas, we and especially our Italian women, we have a lot of patience and an innate trust in people and we hope ever to repent, for this has not happened with Berlusconi, he not only did not repent, but getting worse by the day day, and here we are then we are taking to the streets and now not leaving until our dignity will be protected, until every man stop live as an object of exchange, as a gift, as a thing.

I will be in place until it is understood that woman is not an appendage of a man, woman and person! I will be in place until the abolition of female quotas, no quotas, no sop, I repeat we are not an appendix, I exist and I'm just like you and it is my right to choose to enter politics and in parliament because the person, not that Women are often more capable and able, like the kind of human being under Berlusconi. He is the most shameful figure that Italy After fascism is showing he is a madman, a pedophile who wants to remain unpunished and wants to hide and even change the birth date of his pupils, has lost all sense of reality, so got to look like a God who does not know what to say and what it does. He knows only waste time being diverted from girls and hook up with art, not oratory but with that money.

I can not tolerate a woman and an Italian that such an animal is the Prime Minister!

Now, I'm not at all agree in calling for his resignation, we do not have to wait for him to leave but I want to, pretend to be kicked out of our Parliament and if possible, sent into exile on his island he bought with his being a man, thief, mobster. Too easy chiederene resignation that we all know will never, we have a very unique opportunity, send him away for good in the hand and take back what's left of our dignity and Italy not only to women but we also did not resemble that of men and that's why they pay the price.

Also remember that Sunday in other foreign cities was held the same manifestazine to defend the dignity of our women

Paris, Madrid, Bruxell, NYC, Africa, Hon Cong

This means say that women can participate and which make no distinction of color or party, the dignity of women has no color!

Also Remember That Sunday in other foreign cities Was Held The Same manifestazine to Defend the Dignity of Our women
Paris, Madrid, Bruxell, NYC, Africa, Hon Cong

This Means That women can and Participate Which make no distinction of color or party, the Dignity of Women has no color!

All women and men you see here have given their consent


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