Friday, December 31, 2010

Theme Of Lineage By Margaret Walker

Thank you all! - Tanks to all!

A year ago I decided to start writing here, my intention was to give vent to my thoughts, not having to be forced to keep quiet about my thoughts and what I think veremente the world around me.
too often people do not often that you think are similar in so often to be silent and punish you instead what comes from the gut, express what you really are, without stakes. Freedom of expression and thought.
Finally I did.
But what surprised me and was cheered to see grow readings, hell there are people who I read and then somehow, are interested in what I say, well, gsono interested in words, maybe I am a lone voice and a woman, I am even more. Today
31/12/2010 at 23:18 hours the readings of the blog are the stratospheric figure of 1016, incredible!
I never imagined I could be read so much, but I think in 1000 people wanted to read my words, even if poorly written, incorrect grammar and vacillating. Almost non-existent or incorrect punctuation, and who knows with verbs and adverbs, there have been many mistakes and there will be. It matters little to these people, they have followed me anyway.
So thank you all.
Thank you because you have no idea what it means to me that, at some point in life where words and the only company that I have, I'm here, I leave the vent on these pages since there's no one to express them verbally. I
woman she-clown of the playground of life, always surrounded by people, I find myself alone and on this night where everyone in the company, I am left alone with the PC switched on for company. But not iango, no, I can not afford to cry on when I know in the world there are millions of people who do not celebrate, they will not because some are dying of hunger, another was killed by a bomb, another dies of AIDS , malaria and most tragic thing, at this moment more than one child is dying woman man FAME!
So I can not cry, I can only weep for those who have the opportunity to make their voices heard to scream and rage suffering the humiliation of a life that life can not be called.
Best wishes to all of you children of the world at this moment you are in the thoughts of beautiful country, rich and full of wine to toast. Best wishes to you woman you've just lost your child because you have no milk to give it to you yet and woman in this moment you are abused by your torturer and yet you little girl you're forced to sell you an old crappy, just to to survive not so much hunger, but the wrath of your boss, because if not bring him the money he will torture you with cigarettes or the and then you whip violenterĂ  until cederai to fake sleep.
Best wishes to you man you do not know how to feed the family and is beaten up by your boss, because the poor do not have rights only has a duty to kneel and say "thank you master."
Best wishes to you, brothers and sisters who spent the night at sea with the hope of new life, the illusion of a journey where there is a sad return, thanks to that infamous silvio who has given money to that other infamous Gaddafi's just that you pick will make you disappear as it did with its pinocet compartioti.
A wish that the powerful sink with his ship of the Pharisees and that a good God, a day will save you all and face justice.
Tenete duro sorelle, tenete duro fratelli tenete duro bambini, un altro giorno sta per andaresene e magari domani sarĂ  una giornata serena.

year ago I decided to start writing here, my intention was to give vent to my thoughts, not having to be forced to keep quiet about my thoughts and what I think veremente the world around me.
too often people who often do not believe in are similar, so you often have to suppress and silence that comes from the gut instead of you, express what you really are, without stakes. Freedom of expression and thought.
Finally I did.
But what surprised me and was cheered to see the readings grow cabbage there are people who read me and then somehow, are interested in what I say, well, gsono interested in words, maybe they are an item out of the choir and as a woman, I am even more.
31/12/2010 at 23:18 hours today the readings of the blog are the stratospheric figure of 1016, incredible!
never imagined I could be read so much, but I think in 1000 people wanted to read my words, even if poorly written, incorrect grammar and vacillating. Almost non-existent or incorrect punctuation, and who knows with verbs and adverbs, there have been many mistakes and there will be. It matters little to these people, they have followed me anyway.
So thank you all.
Thank you because you have no idea what it means for me that, at some point in life where the only company and the words I have here, the relief I leave it in these pages since there's no one to express them verbally .
wolf woman, clown of the playground of life, always surrounded by people, I find myself alone and on this night where everyone in the company, I am left alone with the PC turned on for company. But not iango, no, I can not afford to cry on when I know in the world there are millions of people who do not celebrate, they will not because some are dying of hunger, another was killed by a bomb, another dies of AIDS , malaria and most tragic thing, at this moment more than one child woman man dying of hunger!
So I can not cry, I can only weep for those who have the opportunity to make their voices heard to scream and rage suffering the humiliation of a life that life can not be called.
Best wishes to all of you children of the world at this moment you are in the thoughts of beautiful country, rich and full of wine to toast. Best wishes to you woman you've just lost your child because you have no milk to give it to you yet and woman in this moment you are abused by your torturer and yet you little girl you're forced to sell you an old crappy, just to to survive not so much hunger, but the wrath of your boss, because if not bring him the money he will torture you with cigarettes and with the whip and then you violenterĂ  until cederai to fake sleep.
Best wishes to you man you do not know how to feed the family and is beaten up by your boss, because the poor do not have rights only has a duty to kneel and say "thank you master."
Best wishes to you, brothers and sisters who spent the night at sea with the hope of new life, the illusion of a journey where there is a sad return, thanks to that infamous silvio who has given money to that other infamous Gaddafi as soon as you pick that will make you disappear as it did with its pinocet compartioti.
A wish that the powerful sink with his ship of the Pharisees and that a good God, a day will save you all and face justice.
Belay sisters, brothers hold on hold on children, another day is andaresene and maybe tomorrow will be a clear day.


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