Sunday, December 26, 2010

Difference Between Acne And Herpes


E' da un pò che ci penso. Ogni volta che vedo una bancarella solidale, uno spot televisivo, an advertisement in the newspaper, an ad on the internet, I wonder whether it is possible that by now should be on my own to help all these charities, which receive no aid from the state and then come to us citizens to get it and bring forward their work.
We went crazy and sometimes I'm tired of hitting continued in mind that these non-profit organization and ask for money money and more money, I'm tired of feeling guilty or worse, a bad person because they do not pull back and nothing, but as I already give Next I have no money?
When I stopped the guy who sells newspaper Earth and know, yes I know that normally I buy him, but sometimes I do not have those 2 € and I say that today I can not, laughs and says he looks at me, but you will have the money, then pull out his wallet and I open it, he looks at me bewildered, acciderbolina this woman has an empty wallet, is a beggar. Those who feel more uncomfortable, he or I?
Beyond my particular situation, it makes me furious that now aid to the needy are not only on our shoulders while the government does, arguing on the villa to the sea or on the last painful story of love.
Where is the government that has promised aid, but aid did not arrive.
The night I sleep little and keep the TV on and I happen to feel unclean things, this is one of those times.
Italy and North America, are those states in 2010 did not give the economic aid to third world countries, yet they had made all agree, the rich countries would have taken charge of helping the poor in the world because there was more discrepancy between a child and an obese malnourished. Too bad this does not happen, not only does not happen, but these guys do not even take out the money. What the hell would make money if it was decided to earmark an annual tot, this means that the money is already budgeted output. ahahahaha yes outputs are but where they went, maybe the minister for cultural heritage that is sinking Pompeii or in the pockets of Obama who flew to the sea with your family? Then there
offended if a foreign newspaper insulting us because we are sending to the dogs a good that is not just to our culture but in the world, Pompeii walls and ministers get fat.
But even they have to keep our heads held high, they spend money to no end to a war that was already being done in Haiti and in the meantime there is cholera, the important thing is to make a nice title on the newspaper and ask for help to the world population .
Lords ruled that without my vote, tell me who you have given and continue to give money, tell me why Maroni Wars aliens murderess but in the meantime there's money to be able to learn to eat to his country and his country and work on his country. Maroni, believe me, if a Somali had the economic means that you, as Italian Government, have promised him he would not be in our poor and ugly now Italy. I
There are already millions of Italians and other poor, jobless and without the possibility of a dignified life but we still have a strong sense of justice and solidarity, that nothing that we divide it, you know incidentally, among the poor there is helps. Mr. President Obama, to withdraw its army from Iraq and give the money to your children even if Americans are not in the north, actually helps the people of Haiti, or trying to spend less on holiday or for that nice playground that you built for your daughters, you should know that there are other children who do not even know what a sheet.
I will continue to do my part, but now the lot is empty and not only mine, when it will flush all those bags will help the charities who will help the third world or third world will become the fourth world, and you'll feast and maybe you give them a pat on the butt in cute little girl, who is convinced that to survive is just being groped, so yes it can eat and be convinced that poverty does not exist is just an invention of the Communists

The night I sleep little and keep the TV on and I happen to feel unclean things, This Is One Of Those Times.
Italy and North America, Those are states in 2010 did not give Economic aid to third world countries, yet They HAD made to agree, the rich countries " would have taken charge of helping the poor in the world because there was no more discrepancy between a child and an obese malnourished
Too bad this does not happen, not only does not happen, but these guys do not even take out the money. What the hell would make money if it was decided to earmark an annual tot, this means that the money is already budgeted output. ahahahaha yes outputs are but where they went, maybe the minister for cultural heritage that is sinking Pompeii or in the pockets of Obama who flew to the sea with your family?
Then if we offend a foreign newspaper insulting us because we are sending to the dogs a good that is not just to our culture but in the world, Pompeii walls and ministers get fat.
But even they have to keep our heads held high, they spend money to no end to a war that was already being done in Haiti and in the meantime there is cholera, the important thing is to make a nice title on the newspaper and ask for help to the world's population.
Lords ruled that without my vote, tell me who you have given and continue to give money, tell me why Maroni Wars aliens murderess but in the meantime there's money to be able to learn to eat his country and to his country and work on his country. Maroni, believe me, if a Somali had the economic means that you, as the Italian Government, have promised him he would not be in our poor and ugly now Italy.


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