Friday, December 31, 2010

Theme Of Lineage By Margaret Walker

Thank you all! - Tanks to all!

A year ago I decided to start writing here, my intention was to give vent to my thoughts, not having to be forced to keep quiet about my thoughts and what I think veremente the world around me.
too often people do not often that you think are similar in so often to be silent and punish you instead what comes from the gut, express what you really are, without stakes. Freedom of expression and thought.
Finally I did.
But what surprised me and was cheered to see grow readings, hell there are people who I read and then somehow, are interested in what I say, well, gsono interested in words, maybe I am a lone voice and a woman, I am even more. Today
31/12/2010 at 23:18 hours the readings of the blog are the stratospheric figure of 1016, incredible!
I never imagined I could be read so much, but I think in 1000 people wanted to read my words, even if poorly written, incorrect grammar and vacillating. Almost non-existent or incorrect punctuation, and who knows with verbs and adverbs, there have been many mistakes and there will be. It matters little to these people, they have followed me anyway.
So thank you all.
Thank you because you have no idea what it means to me that, at some point in life where words and the only company that I have, I'm here, I leave the vent on these pages since there's no one to express them verbally. I
woman she-clown of the playground of life, always surrounded by people, I find myself alone and on this night where everyone in the company, I am left alone with the PC switched on for company. But not iango, no, I can not afford to cry on when I know in the world there are millions of people who do not celebrate, they will not because some are dying of hunger, another was killed by a bomb, another dies of AIDS , malaria and most tragic thing, at this moment more than one child is dying woman man FAME!
So I can not cry, I can only weep for those who have the opportunity to make their voices heard to scream and rage suffering the humiliation of a life that life can not be called.
Best wishes to all of you children of the world at this moment you are in the thoughts of beautiful country, rich and full of wine to toast. Best wishes to you woman you've just lost your child because you have no milk to give it to you yet and woman in this moment you are abused by your torturer and yet you little girl you're forced to sell you an old crappy, just to to survive not so much hunger, but the wrath of your boss, because if not bring him the money he will torture you with cigarettes or the and then you whip violenterà until cederai to fake sleep.
Best wishes to you man you do not know how to feed the family and is beaten up by your boss, because the poor do not have rights only has a duty to kneel and say "thank you master."
Best wishes to you, brothers and sisters who spent the night at sea with the hope of new life, the illusion of a journey where there is a sad return, thanks to that infamous silvio who has given money to that other infamous Gaddafi's just that you pick will make you disappear as it did with its pinocet compartioti.
A wish that the powerful sink with his ship of the Pharisees and that a good God, a day will save you all and face justice.
Tenete duro sorelle, tenete duro fratelli tenete duro bambini, un altro giorno sta per andaresene e magari domani sarà una giornata serena.

year ago I decided to start writing here, my intention was to give vent to my thoughts, not having to be forced to keep quiet about my thoughts and what I think veremente the world around me.
too often people who often do not believe in are similar, so you often have to suppress and silence that comes from the gut instead of you, express what you really are, without stakes. Freedom of expression and thought.
Finally I did.
But what surprised me and was cheered to see the readings grow cabbage there are people who read me and then somehow, are interested in what I say, well, gsono interested in words, maybe they are an item out of the choir and as a woman, I am even more.
31/12/2010 at 23:18 hours today the readings of the blog are the stratospheric figure of 1016, incredible!
never imagined I could be read so much, but I think in 1000 people wanted to read my words, even if poorly written, incorrect grammar and vacillating. Almost non-existent or incorrect punctuation, and who knows with verbs and adverbs, there have been many mistakes and there will be. It matters little to these people, they have followed me anyway.
So thank you all.
Thank you because you have no idea what it means for me that, at some point in life where the only company and the words I have here, the relief I leave it in these pages since there's no one to express them verbally .
wolf woman, clown of the playground of life, always surrounded by people, I find myself alone and on this night where everyone in the company, I am left alone with the PC turned on for company. But not iango, no, I can not afford to cry on when I know in the world there are millions of people who do not celebrate, they will not because some are dying of hunger, another was killed by a bomb, another dies of AIDS , malaria and most tragic thing, at this moment more than one child woman man dying of hunger!
So I can not cry, I can only weep for those who have the opportunity to make their voices heard to scream and rage suffering the humiliation of a life that life can not be called.
Best wishes to all of you children of the world at this moment you are in the thoughts of beautiful country, rich and full of wine to toast. Best wishes to you woman you've just lost your child because you have no milk to give it to you yet and woman in this moment you are abused by your torturer and yet you little girl you're forced to sell you an old crappy, just to to survive not so much hunger, but the wrath of your boss, because if not bring him the money he will torture you with cigarettes and with the whip and then you violenterà until cederai to fake sleep.
Best wishes to you man you do not know how to feed the family and is beaten up by your boss, because the poor do not have rights only has a duty to kneel and say "thank you master."
Best wishes to you, brothers and sisters who spent the night at sea with the hope of new life, the illusion of a journey where there is a sad return, thanks to that infamous silvio who has given money to that other infamous Gaddafi as soon as you pick that will make you disappear as it did with its pinocet compartioti.
A wish that the powerful sink with his ship of the Pharisees and that a good God, a day will save you all and face justice.
Belay sisters, brothers hold on hold on children, another day is andaresene and maybe tomorrow will be a clear day.

Monday, December 27, 2010

How To Find An Breast Abscess?

Proloquo2Go - The new augmentative communication software for iPod Touch iPhone and

"...... Maybe you already know: sull'iPad application is available for the CAA called proloquo2go, is extraordinary, for now only in English but used Frederick's OK ...."
This is the report came to the blog by the mother of Frederick.

Did you notice, what do you think? Think you have a communicator, with magare speech, in a tool such as the iPod would be extraordinary: light, easy to carry, long-life batteries and all in all compared to the current economic communicators.
If you want to know more about you read this article on the site ISAAC or visit

If you have any more information leave a comment on the blog: will be available to all.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Difference Between Acne And Herpes


E' da un pò che ci penso. Ogni volta che vedo una bancarella solidale, uno spot televisivo, an advertisement in the newspaper, an ad on the internet, I wonder whether it is possible that by now should be on my own to help all these charities, which receive no aid from the state and then come to us citizens to get it and bring forward their work.
We went crazy and sometimes I'm tired of hitting continued in mind that these non-profit organization and ask for money money and more money, I'm tired of feeling guilty or worse, a bad person because they do not pull back and nothing, but as I already give Next I have no money?
When I stopped the guy who sells newspaper Earth and know, yes I know that normally I buy him, but sometimes I do not have those 2 € and I say that today I can not, laughs and says he looks at me, but you will have the money, then pull out his wallet and I open it, he looks at me bewildered, acciderbolina this woman has an empty wallet, is a beggar. Those who feel more uncomfortable, he or I?
Beyond my particular situation, it makes me furious that now aid to the needy are not only on our shoulders while the government does, arguing on the villa to the sea or on the last painful story of love.
Where is the government that has promised aid, but aid did not arrive.
The night I sleep little and keep the TV on and I happen to feel unclean things, this is one of those times.
Italy and North America, are those states in 2010 did not give the economic aid to third world countries, yet they had made all agree, the rich countries would have taken charge of helping the poor in the world because there was more discrepancy between a child and an obese malnourished. Too bad this does not happen, not only does not happen, but these guys do not even take out the money. What the hell would make money if it was decided to earmark an annual tot, this means that the money is already budgeted output. ahahahaha yes outputs are but where they went, maybe the minister for cultural heritage that is sinking Pompeii or in the pockets of Obama who flew to the sea with your family? Then there
offended if a foreign newspaper insulting us because we are sending to the dogs a good that is not just to our culture but in the world, Pompeii walls and ministers get fat.
But even they have to keep our heads held high, they spend money to no end to a war that was already being done in Haiti and in the meantime there is cholera, the important thing is to make a nice title on the newspaper and ask for help to the world population .
Lords ruled that without my vote, tell me who you have given and continue to give money, tell me why Maroni Wars aliens murderess but in the meantime there's money to be able to learn to eat to his country and his country and work on his country. Maroni, believe me, if a Somali had the economic means that you, as Italian Government, have promised him he would not be in our poor and ugly now Italy. I
There are already millions of Italians and other poor, jobless and without the possibility of a dignified life but we still have a strong sense of justice and solidarity, that nothing that we divide it, you know incidentally, among the poor there is helps. Mr. President Obama, to withdraw its army from Iraq and give the money to your children even if Americans are not in the north, actually helps the people of Haiti, or trying to spend less on holiday or for that nice playground that you built for your daughters, you should know that there are other children who do not even know what a sheet.
I will continue to do my part, but now the lot is empty and not only mine, when it will flush all those bags will help the charities who will help the third world or third world will become the fourth world, and you'll feast and maybe you give them a pat on the butt in cute little girl, who is convinced that to survive is just being groped, so yes it can eat and be convinced that poverty does not exist is just an invention of the Communists

The night I sleep little and keep the TV on and I happen to feel unclean things, This Is One Of Those Times.
Italy and North America, Those are states in 2010 did not give Economic aid to third world countries, yet They HAD made to agree, the rich countries " would have taken charge of helping the poor in the world because there was no more discrepancy between a child and an obese malnourished
Too bad this does not happen, not only does not happen, but these guys do not even take out the money. What the hell would make money if it was decided to earmark an annual tot, this means that the money is already budgeted output. ahahahaha yes outputs are but where they went, maybe the minister for cultural heritage that is sinking Pompeii or in the pockets of Obama who flew to the sea with your family?
Then if we offend a foreign newspaper insulting us because we are sending to the dogs a good that is not just to our culture but in the world, Pompeii walls and ministers get fat.
But even they have to keep our heads held high, they spend money to no end to a war that was already being done in Haiti and in the meantime there is cholera, the important thing is to make a nice title on the newspaper and ask for help to the world's population.
Lords ruled that without my vote, tell me who you have given and continue to give money, tell me why Maroni Wars aliens murderess but in the meantime there's money to be able to learn to eat his country and to his country and work on his country. Maroni, believe me, if a Somali had the economic means that you, as the Italian Government, have promised him he would not be in our poor and ugly now Italy.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Caregiver Wants To Divorce

Ennio Doris the 7th richest man in Italy - Ennio Doris the 7th richest man in Italy


Property (mi.di in dollars) Location of World Source

1 Michele Ferrero & family 17 / 28 Ferrero
Leonardo Del Vecchio 10.5 2 / 59 3 Luxottica
Silvio Berlusconi & family 9 / 74 Fininvest
Giorgio Armani 5.8 4 / 144 Giorgio Armani spa
Mario Moretti Polegato 2.4 5 / 400 6 Geox
Carlo, Giuliana, Gilberto and
Luciano Benetton 2.1 (each) / 463 Edizione Holding, tuning
7 Ennio Doris & Family 1.9 / 536 Francesco Gaetano Caltagirone Mediolanum
8 1.5 / 655 Caltagirone Spa
Stefano Pessina 1.4 9 / 721 Alliance Boots
Silvio Scaglia 1.00 10 / 937 12 Fastweb

Ennio Doris & family 2.1 (573 place in the world) Mediolanum

He lost points in previous years was in 8th place, then to be done, and gauze to the crisis, I do not know who buys an avalanche of home mortgages, and so assumenre start an avalanche of people.
Among these people, I assumed I come chasuble.

Ennio Doris & family 11 1.4 (522)
As you can see a place of salt in it and 51 Iatlia world, but the capital is reduced.
So it is time to lay off, myself included. The loans are exhausted ......

7 Ennio Doris & family 1.9 (536) was great with a jump of 4 places, the capital was again increased, falls 14 places in the world.

bank that is around you, you also asked for economic aid to Tahiti, another aid for children of the Little Brothers and the Abruzzo and Veneto, Veneto six Wow! Ennio peche
but the money you have earned them not to send you these people in need, explain to me what do you do with all sti money? You do not need you're already super-rich, you are your children and your grandchildren.
're so rich that you have also removed the super pack of Christmas, Easter what you deleted. All of the coins to pocket yet?
But the quiet night you go to bed, you never think to people who have left the street and those filthy still hold just because you know well lick the floor?

Ennio Doris is really a man of finance and development work will understand. He bought, hired and fired earned passing over the bodies of those who have lost not just a job, but neither the dignity and bread.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Desert Eagle .50ae Nj

The other day our specialist AAC alerted us to the site.
It 's very interesting on the site are free to download a lot of pictures to color and cut divided into subject areas. The uses are varied: domestic, educational, and why not, used as symbols CAA. For example, in class we talk about here is traffic education and road signs to color, it comes to cats and this is the cat and the tiger to be cropped and color. Very pretty and suitable for the period is the home of Father Christmas to be cropped and color composition.
If you can think of other applications leave a comment!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Watch Bait Bus Movies

Berlusconi, tell me how you did - Berlusconi, tell me how you did

How is it possible that in twenty years Berlusconi has become the richest and most powerful man in Italy?
As a boy, the story told by him, did not help his friends at school but sold the tasks, so it was already on the road to success ......
become entrepreneurs and build mi2 one day buy a small insurance and historic Milanese doomed to failure. The Mediolanu Insurance, becomes in a short time, one of the largest insurance and ndustriose Italian. The financial advisors of the then Programme Italy, Fininvest Group, the largest selling products sell a lot and especially the life insurance pension. Great insight
that, already in the 80 'we knew that the State would not be able to pay pensions to Italian workers. So customers are persuaded to sign up for private insurance policies that will guarantee Gains in the years of old age.
sales soaring, stratospheric gains, but though.
But the figures were bogus, so why when they show the figures were not reported and not on those sold on!
What is gained by giving the amounts that are based on the stated?
That the Manager, the Head of Area, the Agent, take the money before and after the contract was signed. So boys
ignorantotti earned astonishing figures, not even a bank manager would ever taken in his entire career, and from there .... From there the pace is easy to fake.
There were people who found themselves in porgy three or four life insurance policies and dismayed, called to find out why, because foo ball had already signed one bill, not three.
So all curled and obviously he was what we earn more.
Pderò, but at some point the chickens are coming home to roost and you will begin to raise their voices to denounce those who had signed contracts for their fakes. Even
Cerano characters so unethical that they threw themselves to sell everything, even propose that a terminally ill to commute ADIS lapolizza Life in a timeshare in Sardinia. Why? Simple, at the time the ADIS was not one of those diseases included in the codicils, so if you have one do not get paid. So be smart, goes to the hospital and the proposed exchange, a house in Sardinia and the cancellation of the policy.
But sensitive people!
Within 10 years the Mediolanum even climb a peak and then fell before falling, not because there is no work, but because in many people and too many stolen, (especially his head) is broken up and sold off, including employees and those who have not been able to fix him a buonauscita. Just the End of the glorious
Mediolanum insurance group, Fininvest.
After a few years become one of the first online banks in Italy, But Berlusconi is no longer at the helm, he is now god and should rule the world. Fortunately for Doris otherwise nowadays would be in his underwear with his friend Silvio.
Silvio from politics, but that is the purpose of entering politics?
Well, a man who now has his hands in the dough everywhere and piles of money made in an unworthy manner, and I am kind, feels the need to take the field! The then
maico Bettino intorta so well that it can send it to Hamamett, so he can weave the web of the new club. Mica
a party, not a club made up of young and wealthy nobles incravattati to which membership is claimed, because the idea is to create a party later made exclusively rich and intelligent, with superior culture. In order to govern well the Italian pecorino. Since then
silvio gets lost in the maze of tunnels where he made pacts and alliances, friendships god knows what yet.
Today the government has not fallen on Fini and Bossi Bersani through the CEPU, All have not yet given the help to stay in governing a country that does not want it, but as the various court fixers have not fixing things or rather, the slices of cake to be shared, sick leave him there in his folly of a sick man who has only oensiero, fuck God

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Bifference In Breast Tenderness

desire for power? - The desire for power?

Being in Paris and not go in to see the famous Pigalle Moulen Rouge is unthinkable.
Then I went and I enjoyed seeing the many tourists intent on being photographed in front of this famous theater (?). I started making some shots, as always take what Atira my attention and this has been the central design. Three women from the windmill blades and an elephant.
But what an elephant has to do with semi nude girls intent on dancing the cancan, as analogy what is the point of this elephant, who made this design what he wanted to be with the addition of this impressive animal?
do not know who created the drawing, but I'm pretty sure it was a man and as such, could not get in the middle of creating a hidden Veril but impressive.
course an elephant does not pass unnoticed but can deflect the perception that the thought of the design.
If you look at the pattern do you think?
Of course, a circus and even the windmill blades seem to wear good clothes of the circus: yes but what circus? Of course, the circus of sex!
why the elephant is misleading, you think of the classic circus but the girl in panties and other erotic stimulation you back to the sexual desire the lightness of the girls, so professional, they are prostitutes mica, show only the buttocks and breasts but with art, as if to show this in a wild dance is not sold.
The male who will never be put aside, it has to emerge and express his strong manhood, and then away the elephant, the animal has the largest member among the mammals. But you do not see any analogy?
Right now I have to laugh, and frankly, people make me really tenderness and pain, I think if you invent something to be always in first position.
Being in Paris and had also seen the rats, I would say to quote the title of a film seen years ago. "Hello, boy!"

Being in Paris and not go in to see the famous Pigalle Moulen Rouge is Unthinkable.
Then i went and I enjoyed seeing the many tourists intent on being photographed in front of this famous theater (?). Some I started making shots, as always take what Atira my attention and this has been the central design. Three women from the windmill blades and an elephant.
But what an elephant has to do with semi nude girls intent on dancing the cancan, as analogy what is the point of this elephant, who made this design what he wanted to be with the addition of this impressive animal?
I do not know who created the drawing, but I'm pretty sure it was a man and as such, could not get in the middle of creating a hidden Veril but impressive.
Of course, an elephant does not go unnoticed but can deflect the perception that the thought of the design.
If you look at the pattern do you think?
Of course, a circus and even the windmill blades seem to wear good clothes of the circus: yes but what circus? Of course, the circus of sex!
That's why the elephant is misleading, you think of the classic circus but the girl in panties and other erotic stimulation you back to the sexual desire the lightness of the girls, so professional, they are prostitutes mica, show only the buttocks and breasts but with art, as if to show this in a wild dance is not sold.
The male who will never be put aside, it has to emerge and express his strong manhood, and then away with the elephant, the animal has the largest member among the mammals. But you do not see any analogy?
Right now I have to laugh, and frankly, people make me really tenderness and pain, I think if you invent something to be always in first position.
Being in Paris and had also seen the rats, I would say to share the title of a film seen years in August "Hello, boy!"

Saturday, December 4, 2010

How Can On Secondary Camera E 71

Who has an interest in keeping the poor African continent?! - Who has an interest in keeping the poor African continent?!

ITALY 4 40 Michele Ferrero and family Ferrero Monaco
9.5 82 ITALY 52 ITALY 43 8.2 Ernesto Bertarelli, Switzerland Serono 70
Silvio Berlusconi and Fininvest family 6.5 73 ITALY Italy
71 Leonardo Del Vecchio 73 6.3 Italy Luxottica

Bernerd Arnault France 27.5 Feancia LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton
21 Liliane Bettencourt France 86 13.4 France L'Oréal [1] Holding Co
55 Alain Wertheimer and Gerard Wertheimer France 8.0 60 59 United States 60 Switzerland Chanel
François Pinault and family 7.6 France 72 France 90 PPR
Serge Dassault and family 83 5.4 France France Dassault Group

9 6 21.5 89 Karl Albrecht Germany Germany Aldi Süd
9 Theo Albrecht Germany 87 18.8 Germany North Aldi, Trader Joe's
23 Michael Otto and family Germany 65 13.2 Germany Otto GmbH 35
Susanne Klatten Germany 46 10.0 Germany 69 August von Finck
BMW, Jr. 79 6.7 Germany Switzerland Allianz
71 Curt Engelhorn Germany 82 6.3 Switzerland Roche
90 Häubi Erivan and family 76 5.4 Germany Germany Tengelmann Group
93 Karl-Heinz Kipp Germany 85 5.2 Switzerland 93 Massa
Reinhold Wurth Germany 73 5.2 Germany Wurth Group

8 Lakshmi Mittal India 58 19.3 United Kingdom 29
Arcelor Mittal and family, The Duke of Westminster United Kingdom 11.0 57 United Kingdom Grosvenor Group [12]
35 Hans Rausing Sweden 83 10.0 United Kingdom Tetra Laval [12] David
98 5.0 ND and Simon Reuben United Kingdom UK Real Estate

SPAIN 1 10 18.3 73 Amancio Ortega Spain Spain Inditex [4]

CZECH REPUBLIC 1 76 6.0 44 Petr Kellner Czech Republic Czech Republic PPF Group

83 Hansjorg Wyss Switzerland 74 5.7 United States Synthes

3 5 83 22.0 IngvarIngvar Kamprad & Family Sweden Switzerland IKEA
18 Stefan Persson Sweden 61 14.5 Sweden Hennes & Mauritz
39 Birgit Rausing and family 85 9.9 Sweden Switzerland Tetra Laval


40 Mikhail Prokhorov Russia 43 9.5 Russia Interros [13]
51 Roman Abramovich Russia Russia Millhouse Capital 42 8.5 [15] Vahid
57 Alakbarov 7.8 58 Russia 71 Mikhail Fridman Russia LUKoil
44Russia Russia Alfa Group
6.3 93 5.2 52 Vladimir Lisin Russia Russia Novolipetsk Steel [13]

CANADA 2 24 David Thomson and family Canada 51 13.0 Canada The Thomson Corporation [10]
98 Galen Weston and family Canada 68 5.0 Canada George Weston Limited, Associated British Foods

PAKISTAN 1 Mian Mohammad Mansha
100 4.4 ND Nishat Group Pakistan Pakistan, Muslim Commercial Bank

SOUTH AFRICA 1 98 Nicky Oppenheimer and family 63 5.0 South Africa South Africa Anglo American & De Beers

61 Eike Batista, Brazil 3 Brazil 51 7.5 Brazil 62 EBX Group
Joseph Safra Brazil 70 7.0 Brazil Safra Group Jorge Paulo Lemann
92 5.3 69 Brazil Brazil Investment Bank & Anheuser-Busch InBev

Helu, Carlos Slim Helú SlimCarlos Lebanon 53.5 69 Mexico Mexico Telmex, América
Alberto Bailleres and family 5.7 83 76 Mexico Mexico Grupo Bal

76 Andronico Luksic and family Chile 6.0 Chile Antofagasta PLC, Quiñenco Chile Compañía de Papeles y Cartones Manufacturera

INDIA 6 7 Mukesh Ambani India 51 19.5 India's Reliance Industries Anil Ambani
34 10.1 49 Anil Dhirubhai Ambani India India Group [2]
Sunil Mittal 59 7.7 51 e Famiglia Bharti Airtel India India Azim Premji
83 63 5.7 India India Wipro Technologies 86
Shashi Ruia e Ravi Ruia India 65 5.6 India Essar
lKushal Pal Singh 98 5.0 77 India India DLF Group Ù

Malesia 2
62 Ananda Krishnan 7.0 70 Malesia Malesia Maxis, Astro
62 7.0 85 Robert Kuok Hong Kong Malesia Perlis Plantations Bhd

SINGAPORE 1 87 Ng Teng Fong Singapore 80 5.5 Singapore Sino Group

Giappone 2
76 Tadashi Yanai and family 60 6.0 Japan Japan, Fast Retailing
Kunio Busujima 93 and family 83 5.2 Japan Japan Sankyo

LiLi Ka-shing 80 16.2 Hong Kong Cheung Kong Holdings, Hutchison Whampoa [7]
32 Raymond Kwok, Thomas Kwok, and Walter Kwok 10.5 57, 58, and 59 Hong Kong Hong Kong Sun Hung Kai Lee Shau Kee
43 9.0 81 Hong Kong Hong Kong Henderson Land Development

TalalPrince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud 13.3 54 Lebanon Saudi Arabia Kingdom mpany, Citigroup [9] Mohammed Al Amoudi
43 9.0 63 Ethiopia / Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia / Ethiopia Corral Petroleum Holdings
62 Maan Al-Sane 7 , 0 54 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saad Group
74 Sulaiman Al Rajhi Saudi Arabia 89 6.2 Saudi Arabia Al-Rajhi Bank

54 Nasser Al-Kharafi and family 65 8.1 Kuwait Kuwait MA Kharafi & Sons

Aziz Al Ghurair and family 55 7.8 United Arab Emirates UAE Mashreq Bank

Bill Gates 2 53 53.0 United States United States Microsoft
3 Warren Buffett U.S. 47.0 U.S. 78 Berkshire Hathaway
4 28 64 Lawrence Ellison United States United States Oracle Corporation
11 Jim Walton 61 17.8 United States United States Wal-Mart [5]
12 Alice Walton 59 17.6 United States United States Wal-Mart [5]
12 Christy Walton 54 17.6 United States United States Wal-Mart [5]
12 RobsonSamuel Samuel Robson Walton 65 17.6 United States United States Wal-Mart [5]
17 Michael Bloomberg United States 67 16.0 United States Bloomberg LP [4]
19 Charles Koch United States 73 14.0 United States Koch Industries [8] David H.
19 Koch United States 68 14.0 United States Koch Industries [8]
25 Michael Dell 44 12.3 United States United States Dell
Donald Bren 12.0 26 76 United States United States Irvine Company
26 Sergey Brin 12.0 35 States United States United Google [1]
26 Larry Page United States 36 12.0 United States Google [1]
29 Steven Ballmer 53 11.0 United States United States Microsoft [11]
29 George Soros 11.0 78 United States of America Soros Fund Management
32 10.5 56 Paul Allen United States United States Microsoft [9]
35 Abigail Johnson United States 47 10.0 United States 35 Ronald Perelman Fidelity Investments
10.0 66 USA 40 USA Revlon
Jack C. Taylor and his family 86 9.5 United States United States Enterprise Rent-A-43 Anne Cox Chambers Car
89 9.0 United States United States Cox Enterprises 43
Carl Icahn 73 9.0 United States USA American Car and Foundry Company [ 14]
43 George Kaiser United States 66 9.0 United States BOK Financial Corporation
43 Forrest Edward Mars, Jr. 77 9.0 United States United States Mars, Incorporated [14]
43 9.0 69 Jacqueline Mars United States United States Mars, Incorporated [14]
43 John Mars United States 72 9.0 United States Mars, Incorporated [14]
53 Philip Knight United States 71 8.2 United States
Nike James Simons 8.0 55 70 states United States United Renaissance Technologies
62 Edward Johnson III United States 78 7.0 United States Fidelity Investments
68 Jeffrey Bezos 45 6.8 United States of America
James Goodnight 6.1 75 66 United States of America SAS Institute
76 6.0 94 John Kluge Metromedia United States of America [4]
76 John Paulson United States 53 6.0 United States
Paulson & Co 81 5.9 76 Dan Duncan United States United States Enterprise Products
87 Steven A. A. Cohen 5.5 53 States United States United SAC Capital Partners Patrick Soon-Shiong
87 United States 57 5.5 United States 93 American Pharmaceutical Partners
Eli Broad 75 5.2 United States United States KB Home
98 Philip Anschutz 69 5.0 United States The United States Anschutz Corporation
98 Kirk Kerkorian 91 5.0 United States United States Tracinda Corporation [14]

I copied this list of 100 richest people in the piaeta, that is, those who hold the social and economic world power, after that I have been broken down and making the sum of how many are nation or state or continent.
Half of this work I realized that Africa is virtually devoid of rich men, removing the two cases are one in Ethiopia but the guy is Saudi Arabia's oil owners, so I gotta go see if he lives in Ethiopia and if this state has oil, otherwise it would explain the extreme poverty prevailing in this state. The more rich and true in South Africa.
Returning to the initial thought, the question that ki are asked is: who holds the economic power on this continent?
Maybe Nicky Oppenheimer and family, and Mohammed Al Amoudi to have this good fortune in having his hands a continent rich in natural resources, gold, silver, platinum and diamonds, so poor from hunger malaria hiv leprosy, or these two men have only the slice in which living and the rets: who has the money in the rest of Africa?
I start with a lesson that I think to remember even if a state is formed by upper-middle-class low medium high and very high, this live after all in good health, that there are few poor people, everyone has to eat and live decently. Conversely, if a state is controlled by one or ten super-rich people, it means that the rest of the population lives in absolute poverty, the way of ancient Greece or Rome or the Egyptian, where he lived well only Pharaoh the King impertore. The people died of starvation and pestilence. So
in Africa that kind of power there, no, because if the rich do not mean that we are living in Africa is good or if there are only two super-rich people all wrong. But I have a very strong doubt. I do not believe in any way that this continent is in the hands of these two great men small, but I am absolutely convinced that Africa is divided among the richest people in the universe that have all the convenience of keeping this huge container of gold, in complete ignorance and poverty . otherwise how can they have the most beautiful diamond in the world?
Damn if they were all good even the locals have a diamond on her finger, maybe not in size but would esagebrata. Remember, making a comparison even so absurd, that in Uganda in 2002 lo9 cane sugar was sold in supermarkets but at absurd prices. I was then told that sugar was selling for just over a year, until then it was forbidden for families to buy it.
Poffombacco, my land produces sugar cane, sometimes there is neèèure need to grow it because I was born spontaneously and Uganda do not have the right to buy sugar, a right that only the white man and some of the warlord place.
She returns to the example?
The state where I live makes things in the continents top when the dream, but I do not have the right to use them because some infamous decided that stuff is only there for those who pay him a shot and make me like a mule when lavcorare I have 5 years, I should take out work and I have the slightest right to take advantage of potermelo buy. But it is good, then I say again, who has decided that I noato in this country can not afford and do not have a diamond. Tell me gentlemen who made this decision?
who claims the right to decide what can or can not I use of my land, because this is already the kia land and not yours.
also tell me the truth about who holds the reins of Africa because I want to spit in his face to mine and bring it to pull him with her beautiful hands and a diamond votes extract it over me and I keep it because this land is my land !