Monday, November 8, 2010

Ramen Making Stomach Upset

identification bracelets vinyl "ANTI LOSS"

What fear I felt as in a department store and I shot my Albert was gone!
Luckily I found it almost immediately but since then I have an identification bracelet with vinyl (like those of the villages), which gives its name, last name and our phone numbers.

Given that it was difficult to find a company capable of producing small quantities of custom bracelets seemed nice to share this information with you all. This is the ITALBAND Casarile Ltd (MI) e-mail. You will find friendly people, helpful and very willing to listen to our demands.
The initial cost is only € 46 and includes 100 bracelets start-up costs for the frame. Each successive order of 100 wristbands is about 20/25 €.


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