Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Why Do Male Strippers Tie A

... A jump in the library! Welcome

not know about you, but I also happen to spend in the library for hours.

Although the initial purpose, which is an illusion "by, I, I pay, I go out," I never get out of the shop before they have passed at least three-quarters of an hour.

This is because buying books is not like buying clothes.

Personally, when I enter a clothing store I have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat to buy, or at least I know now what I like and what not.

For example, I just look to an article to express a decision:

"this color is pale; "I do not like the model," "cute, it could go," "this can you put it," "Mamma mia, how disgusting!" "Yes, I like."

In summary: To buy an item of clothing is not necessary to try them all, because we see eye to what is so and what is not.

Ma .. for books is quite different.

It is not possible to dwell on the cover and say ... "This yes", "this no." Or rather, are the first to say that a nice cover can attract the attention of the buyer but not always behind a beautiful facade lurks an interesting storyline.

For this, we must necessarily rely on the plot.

Indeed, the plots: why not always have the good fortune to find just the book you seek.

I for example do not have one ever.

And so, we spend hours analyzing the plots of the books, until the end, we choose to spend 5:00 to 6:00 and the second phase of the plan-of-purchase.

the longest, in my opinion, because it is impossible to pick one of those selected.

E 'materially impossible.

also why, after so much effort, we have no intention to give up any of those books that we found so much difficulty. We would like to read them all.

But no.

Why after watching the clock two hundred and thirty, who quietly tell you that you've wasted half the afternoon to buy a book, added to as many of the job you dirty looks from afar, that is the case you decide to take matters in hand, to address the situation to mature, using the only system we have. Counts.

Of course, we repeat the song at least four times, until the book comes out, even if unconsciously, had decided to take from the beginning.

And finally ... FINALLY ... after half an hour we leave the library with our bag, tired and weary, as if we had written the book, by hand with ink and feather. But aware that we will absolutely pay off.

Or at least ... so hopefully.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Help My Lcd Television Keeps Turning Itself On

September 19, Luciano Ligabue Arena di Verona

Saturday, September 19, the first of ten concerts at the Arena di Luciano Ligabue, recalls, according to chronicles, twelve thousand enthusiastic fans. At seven half are finishing up dinner at the tables outside the restaurant on Piazza Bra Liston 12 when edged with screams, whistles and cheers began to rise from inside the amphitheater. The gates are open from half an hour and the place is crowded with people as never before: Ligabue fans but also tourists and visitors gathered for a series of events that attract these days in the city. And Verona do not seem bothered by the invasion.

municipal services to traffic in early warning were ready to close the main courses, and already taking the Serenissima, who went to the concert was asked to exit at Verona Nord, use the stadium parking lot and shuttle bus Free for the Arena.

At eight o'clock we cross the Del ello 13, quickly found our seats thanks to a hosting service attentive and efficient. The climate is that of a cheering stadium: between applause, chorus and waving banners, the ola walk through the steps and the beat of the feet is almost ancient walls vibrate. At nine o'clock

Ligabue appears on stage. A split second of silence by almost bewilderment turns into ovation. Ligabue lanky forward, silent, wearing a broad smile but that seems awkward or mild, perhaps surprised, as if the show was on the other side, in front of him, as if the show was the public. And in fact looks like: Ligabue will not show, make music. The show will make it public. To him play music, we do show.

On this occasion, Ligabue certainly does not reveal an animal from the scene, he speaks very little, he is unable even to greet the public, say a few words on the initiative for Abruzzo and only at the end will find the strength to leave a warm . For the rest, for its part, is pure music that finds its culmination in Bar Mar I , when rock salt to the heights that he knows how to reach him, and Somewhere In The Night and Screaming true posters that addressed individual message that is undisputed prophet.

At eleven o'clock, after a, it's all over. And it comes out in a Verona still lit, noisy, mobile, always alive.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Nikkei Historical Prices


It seems only right with respect to all of you who follow (or follow, at least we hope) my blog, clarify matters on which I intend to write.
My intention was to involve all that is part of my world ... and as read and srivere are two of my greatest passions, this blog will, for better or for worse, these topics ...

These will be the main topics of my blog.

I hope you will make the part too!