Sunday, June 28, 2009

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Traces of hands in the museum

TRACES OF HANDS Vito Antonio Conte
on the June 6, 2009 NEW COUNTRY

Until June 15 next target may be, to admire and contemplate - leaving kidnapping and dreaming that they inspire - the works of art staying in Lecce in the space of the gallery "Traces" in the Court of Romiti.
Vito Antonio Conte
From 30 May until 15 June next and you can aim, to admire and contemplate - leaving kidnapping and dreaming that they inspire - the works of art that over time I said staying in Lecce in the space of the Gallery " Tracks "at the Court of Romiti.
The initiative, called "Art and Craft Design", Fernando Perrone and is curated by Vittorio Tapparini (more info here I will not say to what can be found on site and the catalog - the original photographs by Bruno Barillari - printed for the occasion). As one intuits from the outset by the desired name for this collective work, the present works together the arts and crafts, holding - in a contamination next to the passing of any scheme and not imposed - in design, making it not a mere collection of "products" oestrus the individual artist, but the meeting of so many differences through which it can be noticed (or, if you will, intuition) which is an expression to a thought: the meridians (with its slow pace and, sometimes syncopated) explodes concentrically embracing all the other points and poles, affirming its essence. In order to strictly
catalog, I report the sculptures "conceptually useful" by Fernando Perrone, the papier-mâché mixture of empathy nature and motions of the soul of Laura Galli, strength spherical primordial creations of Mark Galli, the matter beyond all abstraction Vittorio Tapparini over, the stone steps and water from this region who look to the petals of the East Ornella Durini and then never seen in forms of gold jewelry that seem more and more of the creations of Mario and Paola Mixture Barrotta. And, speaking of the fashion creations of Antonio Extempore, I will tell you that the opening night, came close to two wonderful dresses on display, I thought (and said to those who accompanied me) that - if reborn female (and not coincidentally not say woman) - I would wear one of those jewels ... Bruno May I appreciated the fabulous antiquity of its ceramics, while in the works of Monica Righi I have caused an explosion of life and death, of opposites meet. Gabriel seems to pierce the Pici local stone, first, caress and then giving it comes to being between corporeality and breath. The creations for dance and fashion Elena Crete I have a strange effect: I saw Andreina (my daughter) in the essay at the end of this year wearing a ballerina outfit and carrying beyond imagination, I saw a woman. .. wear the spectacular evening dress shown here (and a bit ', I regret ... !?!). Isaiah Zilli m'è remained the angular depth ... marina. The works of Lucy Mancini had already noticed the modern and the ancient splendor cleaning by the laboratory through OCR. In the end, Toni Bisconti: him and my love for her inner purity in a piece I wrote in this newspaper monographic ... and rarely repeat myself. This is one of very few cases. And I do it because Toni Bisconti is a free spirit that permeates everything he touches and, in particular, gives the best of his inner world when "sculpts clay", for his "monuments" of clay are simulacra poised between sweat and transcendence, as its minimalist creations also contain bits of human path and search for the divine. And do not say crap, which is enough to approach any (which is never any) of his works, look, feel, touch it with his hand and grasp the vibrations ... because of him live! Just try it. And that the totem is with you.


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