Sunday, October 18, 2009

Vip Default Lock Number

The streets of the consent are endless. In the residence of the last Doge

I admit it. It 'been unwillingly I left drag to Bologna yesterday pomeriggio.L' event was BolognaSìSposa , exhibition of products and services for the wedding ceremony and the presentation of models at the brand rosyGarbo , Sicilian friend and accomplice who marriage in the heart and negli'occhi.
Generous and elegant as always, Rosy Garbo has dressed his models in luxurious fabrics, "embellished learned embroidery, lace and layering, and transparency" that sparkled in the beautiful setting of Palazzo di Re Enzo.
But the real gem has it offered Maurizio Cevenini , President, among other things, the City Council of Bologna.
fact, among the events planned for Saturday, October 17, in the event BolognaSìSposa , there was also "We who are married Maurizio Cevenini.

What is this? Some might think of a personal fan club Cevenini of that institution during his career, celebrated weddings 4000. But it took the stage at the end of the parade Rosy Garbo, Cevenini told us of his genuine passion for the role of officiating and also awarded a few couples who, as we have been given to know, had the sole merit of having been married he has fourteen years ago. And maybe also to have resisted the pitfalls of married life for all this time. Perhaps because - as even Cevenini remembered their names - there may be some doubt as to their real estate in married life.
It was a worthwhile initiative private, a time of joyful remembrance of the days of intense happiness to eight thousand people.
But times are tough, even for laudable initiatives. Sorry meander in the audience had heard some comments a bit 'sour, as if the roads have reached consensus on scraping the bottom of each barrel.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Burning In Upper Side Of Foot


a crisp autumn Sunday calls us, so we let ourselves be carried away by the trust Transalp in Friuli. A date previously announced by Shadow Line , the exhibition "The Age of Courbet and Monet." The site is
Villa Manin di Passariano , what was once the residence of the last Doge of Venice. This was Ludovico Manin , and none was ever more reluctant to accept him the highest office of the Venetian Republic. Reluctance as the prophetic words that accompanied his election: The ga doxe a furlan fate, the x and r epublica dead! They made a doge Friuli, the Republic is dead! And May 12, 1797, after eight years of reign, Ludovico Manin Venice gave to the new European power, Napoleon Bonaparte. The exhibition leads a short diversion to visit the room where Napoleon spent the night between 27 and 28 August 1797.

There will be time until March 7, 2010 to admire the 133 works on display from museums around the world, with well-known names, from Manet to Degas, Monet, Pissarro, Renoir and Van Gogh as well as famous artists from all over Europe as Ensor, Hodler, Merse and Chitussi which The exhibition aims to explore the bonds, debts and an interaction with the so-called Barbizon School.

But hurry because it will be necessary Sunday, Oct. 10 ends the wonderful exhibition of photographs dedicated to Elio Ciol, a series of photographs documenting more than ten years, from the early fifties to mid sixties, of what a good law can be called the era of neo-realism in photography. Already knew Elio Ciol thanks to an exhibition in the exhibition halls of pawnshop of Padua in 2002. There we got the idea of \u200b\u200ba great landscape painter, capable of restoring misty dreamlike passages and sore. This makes it rather shows the measure of a great photographer of international standing, if not that of a Cartier-Bresson, Doisneau or at least that of a field study of a Paul Strand.

At least there will be time to schedule a visit to Villa Manin until Nov. 1 to avoid losing the charming "Scenes of Hungary" by Matthew Massagrande. Sixteen years of patient observation, interrogation of puszta to understand the language, the secrets of light, the alphabet hidden, until they become sediment memories, songs that now are free to explode on the canvas.

Doge Ludovico Manin was the last of the Doges, reluctantly. They say he had brown eyes and pale, a large aquiline nose, the tired gait, slightly inclined. And "we read the expression on his face the internal shock, which informs and governs every action."
Today, his ancestral home, welcomes jewelry.